Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tagged!! by Kok Mun

Name the persons you want to tag
Any 3 Tom,Dick and Harry..

Carrot or broccoli
broccoli..hehehe ^^

Masculinity or sissy
Masculinity! =_=lll

Goth or punk
None of the above

Soccer or basketball

Favorite actor/actress
Will Smith

What do you say to a person who spread rumours about you without any reason?
"Go get a life idiot..and get a brain as well pls?"

Ever took nude photos?
Does baby photos count..? xD

Leather shoe or snickers

Long Distance love?
Unbelievable but possible.

Internet love?
Huh...this means..??

Online dating?
No way man..

Tell us your dream last night?
I dreamt that I saw a hand and it was just there waiting for me to grab it..lolz *Refer to top post*

Ever hated someone so bad?
Hate is a harsh word..but yea.I did once..

How about dislike?Who then?
I dislike 2 people who I refuse to name.Now I respect 1 of them and I am friends with the other fella. ^^

The last person you had a beer with?
For crying out loud..I DON'T DRINK...

The last person you went to the movies with?
Vivek and my Uni buddies..

The last person you talked on the cell phone with?
Omma!! *Mother in Korean*

The last person you hugged?
My family

The last person you slapped?
I don't slap.I PUNCH.hahahaha!

In the last week, have you kissed someone?

Do you rather do exercise or babysit?
Babysit?I am nice to kids..

If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Give me a free ticket back to Malaysia!!!!!!!!! XD

If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?
Korea or Malaysia.

Are you old fashioned?

Are you a freak or a geek?
None..I'm a normal human..

Are you a slut, bitch/bastard or whore?
What the...WHO CAME UP WITH THIS??? =_=llll

Five things that scare me:
The presence of more girls outnumbering me..
Fang Kai's lame jokes *LOL!*
Ignition-X's silence when we are dancing
My parents eating quietly during dinner

4 songs playing in my head lately:
Nobody,Tell Me,Irony and So Hot *All by Wonder Girls*

Ghost, Zombie, Witch, Wizard, Mermaid, Vampire, or Werewolf?
Zombie!Hehehe..I wanna be a zombie like in L4D and have sumone blast my head off.. hehe

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