Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Invicible Threats

Those dully informed will pay because of ignorance

Those ignorant of warnings will face a harder fall
when things tear apart..


How many of u reading this are aware,or have heard of :

Bilderberg Group

Trilateral Group

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)?

How many of u reading this,are aware of :

Al Gore's propaganda on Carbon taxes?

That Al Gore tried time and again since his appointment in the White Hse,
to implement carbon taxes.

That he and Hilary Clinton were in discussion about schemes profiting from Carbon taxes?
That he encouraged the ppl to pay a company for carbon taxes,
while in reality he secretly owned the company.

He wants to tax us,for breathing
For leaving carbon footprints on this planet

How many of u are aware,that health magazines label babies evil for producing carbon dioxide?

Its on the magazines..

On the internet

The new propaganda being spreaded around..

"Global warming is humanity's fault and we have to PAY for it"

The most fantastic piece of garbage this century.
How absurb is this?


In the future,when apocalypse does come..

It won't manifest in the form of a big asteroid falling on Earth,

it won't manifest in the form of a giant tsunami swallowing up the Eart

But rather..

A coup'd tat..take over of sovereign nations
by the Powerful and elite bankers

Its economic terrorism..

The members of Bilderberg,CFR,Trilateral community are manipulating politics and economics to stir humanity in the way they want..

Start now,
read up

and be aware of the incoming threat

Don't wait for someone to plant knowledge in you
Do ur own research and read up

Theres nothing like waking up now
Rather than continue sinking into a trance
Obsessed with our daily lifes
Entertainment,artists and the latest tech gadgets are ntg but distractions

The time for humanity to wake up is now..

Till then,
*Btw this post isnt based on hear say,neither is it based on controversy.
its factual,I watched videos on the life proceedings and discussions recorded
And follow Alex Jones here*

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