Tuesday, April 20, 2010





go by the name of Alice,Grace,Zi Xuan,Kitty,Yobo,Piggy,Cupcakes and all other sweet pastry that bakers ever baked.

Dislike taugeh,cheese and goey eew-ish stuff~

always like to tug and curl around my arm whenever it feels cold

The hairpin I bought for u~ :)

You like sleeping don't you? :DDDD

The face before she received a Piggyback ride thru Central Park on a Sunday morning and we so happen to strode past KAI XI's parents :O

The lovely Korean meal I promise u >)

The only pic I like to show around :P

Cuz I suck at camwhoring D:

You're a wonderful partner..


Till then,

I wanna take more pics next time,so that I can work on camwhoring..
Help me,ne? :D