Monday, August 29, 2011


A fork up my arse..

No...someone didn't literally do it..

But rather,it was hypothetically done..

The 1st surprise installed for me on this cold and lonely Tuesday morning (4am) was to get attacked..

No I wasn't playing SanGuo on FB,neither did I got physically attacked..
I received a very mild hate mail..
It was written very hastily,with sharp edges poking out everywhere..and last but not least,it was downright not very nice to read the 1st thing u open ur FB

Before I proceed,lemme sketch out what happen roughly :

So there was a small misunderstanding

That kinda made Person A unhappy
(and God forbid,but I understand why. People have done it to me before)

Person A wasn't happy so he told me he will leave something on FB

And so he did..

I kinda chose to stay out of the way while Person B and Person A 'worked things out between them..'
The rough way. Replying back on forth with CAPSLOCK. Q_Q

I kinda gotten lazy to read the whole scrap
So I posted on my FB something with relevance to Cowboys and guns
(U see..when I saw the way they worked things out on FB,I dun think anything will be solved.
To be honest,Person B is still kinda around the rough edges with whatever that juz happen)

So yeah,I made a reference to Cowboys :
That they shud put down their GUNS (and hatemails) before proceeding to working things out
Besides,who knows what they are capable of in such a rage

So I wrote something like : Put down ur guns before u hurt someone.
(Is that metaphorically wrong? Put down all that hate before u hurt another fren/loved one)

*skips to present*

So 4 days later,I receive the rude msg on FB
It was littered with "I" emphasizing dominance towards 1 sided views
(In this situation in favor of his)
things like : asking me to think in HIS shoes
I ain't
I disagree
and more I...

Not even a IMHO (In my humble opinion)


I kinda wondered.. whats gotten into him?
There must be something wrong
So I went to dig around
and found a reply on another fren's shout out
I was the subject of blame now

Now,I rmb myself clearly stating that I WON'T participate in this little charade of rage and anger
It isn't my business,and Im open to LISTEN to ur views and opinion

or,if ur frustrated bout the other person
then I will LISTEN

I dun recall myself mentioning anyone specifically shooting another person/arguing/fighting/etc etc on FB
I never mention names,won't hint/point out who it was

I was kinda surprised when I saw the "I" being used together with another statement
It came out something like this :

"I ain't shooting around like a cowboy for no reason"


The whole context of the paragraph was :
"I dun agree with what u wrote in ur comments. Maybe u got ur own way of thinking,and I got mine.But I ain't shooting around like a cowboy for no reason" I didn't mention who did anything,and he kinda steps up to claim responsible for it

Thats kinda humble of him,I guess..


But seriously..

I wasn't all that impress

One thing for sure,I didn't mention anyone 'shooting around like a cowboy' on the comments section
So when I re-read what I posted on another fren's comment section

I found out it was in regards to how a person DEALS WITH ANGER
I wrote,venting it out isnt the only way
U can talk it out.

And then I got quoted and flamed
It started with Dun Agree and it goes on


Let me get this straight,

U told me around 10pm that no one replied the mail
SO u felt disappointed

Then I went to sleep at 10+ and u sent me that msg around 11+
What happen in that 1 hr?
What went wrong?

Im not quite sure what happen

But I saw the recent shout outs on fb to be littered with things like :

Disappointed no one wanna solve it
Whats the point going Thailand while ur heart is in Msia trying to resolve something?
*or something close to that*


Consider this a little homecoming gift
And I hope it gets straight to the point clearly for u readers out there

1)Theres ntg to resolve. Why so adamant bout trying to solve something that doens't exist?
Just bcuz I keep quiet and chose not to play sides or get involved,doesn't mean I sweep the whole misunderstanding under a rag and forget about it,right?

2)Whats the point travelling when u can't take ur mind off things?
Maybe its best to try and forgive and forget
Not easy to do,but trust eases on the Hypertension a lot
Is it worth screwing a vacation over something that has been resolved?

Frankly I expected a sigh of relieve when u 1st pm me
But instead u were disappointed
Disappointed in the fact that no one replied that little battlefield u created over FB,called MESSAGES
Disappointed that no one wants to work things out
Disappointed that no one wants to resolve it,and speak out

Silence is everything in this situation,bcuz only time will help
Theres ntg to resolve bcuz its already settled among us
With the way ur going,leaving trails of fractured frenship all over the place in the wake of destruction..
I dun think anyone will be comfortable to work it out with u
When u pm'ed me,I kinda tried to talk it out,telling u its ok
Juz done think bout it
It'll be fine


U came re-butting on what I said
Telling me it ain't over
Telling me theres something else to it

Who's trying to start a fight now?

Worst of all,with ur best fren


I know Im the listener

I know Im the counsellor of distress

I know Im the punching bag

I know its easy to let it out on me

Just,pour all that hate out and let it flow all over me
I know,bcuz after that u tell me u feel better
Ur not the only one doing it..I've taken and tried different rants from different ppl before

I shrug them off with a laugh and a "Why u zha me la?"
Then laugh,
to see u laugh along with me then apologize makes me happy
Bcuz I won my fren back,and he's no longer upset

BUT,there are times (like today),when I feel..

That Im more than a punching bag

Dude,I dunno if ur new to this


Not a Urinal Stand k?

So don't piss ALL OVER ME,
then expect me to have NO EFFECT on what u juz did

Cuz dumping all ur shyt on a fren AIN'T COOL.
Its juz like smoking,it F*CKING AIN'T COOL.PERIOD.

I took in everything u weren't happy about

But all of a sudden,u found urself pointing that blade of distrust towards me

Before I can go "Wha..?!"

U jab it right into me








I dun like being quoted and replied to

I certainly,absolutely DO NOT LIKE being quoted from something I DIDN'T write

Juz bcuz there ain't a war to fight anymore

Dun direct ur anger towards me

Bcuz what ur directing is frustration from the unresolved conflict

I can tell

U aren't happy that the issue ain't solved
And then u think we are walking away

Juz sweeping all the problems beneath our carpets and go : "Hey lets go for a drink"

Juz bcuz ur not happy,dun take it out on another individual

I can't really get what kinda of point ur trying to make across

But lemme voice mine out loud and clear

Venting ANGER towards a person regardless of whether he has a rock to pick with u OR NOT..


Its always the same

The person receiving it will never be "UN-Disturbed" or "UN-affected"

Simply bcuz,ur directing ANGER towards him/her
Ur not directing the issue towards him/her
Its juz IM MAD IM MAD IM MAD CAPSLOCK all the way

Not convinced?

I'll give u a point
If u direct the issue,we can talk it out and work towards a resolution right?
There will be always the : WH- questions
Why? WHAT happen? When did it happen? etc

If ur juz QQ'ing all the way,then mad'am..I suggest u keep ur pen1s in ur pants cuz it ain't very nice
If ur gonna throw raw anger
And disagree at every slight sign of comfort another person is giving u,
The one listening probably won't try anymore

Bcuz its redundant,ur mad
Why not let u cooldown?

And thats what everyone here has been trying to do
I know its harsh,but u pushed for this. Everyone here has been waiting for a cooldown,before re-opening 'negotiations' and start talking

Everyone is waiting for a cooldown
Then try and patch it back up

At the rate ur going,its gonna create a big hole between those at conflict
create a rift between ur frens
and create a split of miscommunication between ur loved ones

How do I know?
Cuz I've been doing this nearly all my life
Taking out my anger on others
They used to say My Emo-ness can affect the room atmosphere among my frens

Which is kinda true

Nowadays (after a fight with my girl,I've learned and changed)
I try to re-direct the negative energy

It starts with Why Im Mad?
Sometimes u'd be surprised
Juz ask urself that
I did,and sometimes Im wondering..
Why AM I mad?
This cures,and it works wonders

Next,if things come to worst
Try and re-direct all that dissatisfaction towards the topic on why ur unhappy
if ur not happy bout ur car,then talk bout the car and say why?
Dun say things like "How bout u try to put urself in my shoes,then u'll understand"
Cuz when u say that in a serious tone,its very VERY rude.


If u do read this..

I hope u read it with an open heart

No one is taunting u

No one is trying to pick u off on a wrong day

Its juz urself

And that reflection on the mirror..

We kinda prep'ed our selves to work things out
By being quiet

So when u finally do comeback
I hope u also have opened ur heart

And look towards the brighter side of things

That I am here,as ur fren

Before,Now and Always will be

Ur fren.

I listen,
I understand,
And I take in all that nasty feelings u dun like..

But on the larger scale,
WE laugh
WE play together
WE help each other out
WE are always there for each other in a dire time of need..

I hope u can be there for me when I need u someday
(maybe its my turn next to rant to u lol)


I hope so man


I blieve and Im confident that u will come back,whole and restored
I have faith in u

cuz ur my fren,of course.

Btw,if ur still wondering why the Title is MAD.I.AM?
Its cuz its an obvious pun to the name WILL.I.AM

Dun be a MAD.I.AM k?


Last but not least~
Btw,I never like to close things up without a proper sorry and a recap
So yeah,being silent doesnt mean Im not saying anything
Saying sorry 1st doesn't mean im the coward for running away
Infact its the other way around,Im the braver one
Bcuz I dare admit Im wronged by apologizing 1st,hoping for u to accept my apology and calm down
Then finally work things out with u
Maybe u dunno me that well,bcuz this is how awesome my brain is
I'll never walk away from a problem,bcuz I cant sleep properly at night without resolving it 1st.

Till then,

The Hidden Threat

They watch from the shadows..

They plan from the shadows..scheming

They observe and plot

They are no longer a conspiracy theory

For they distract u daily

With things such as the latest handphone

With news of the latest celebrity

The latest songs,gossips the media

Watch it all here

Watch what ur watching,fox keeps feeding us toxic..

Till then,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eh..I'm getting lazy =.=


So I'm kinda getting lazy recently
This update is kinda big,full of pics (I'll let them do the talking,rather than yapyapyap all the way)

Genting Trip!

My 1st time taking the Cable car up to Genting

The view from top,breath taking :D

I keep seeing this sign wherever I go
My man brain reads : If u are a female,do not step on the escalator xD

More trees on the way up~

I met Optimus Prime :D

At the arcade..

Everyone is excited about the trip ^^

Can u see the Pagoda appearing from the mist? :D

A random Chocolate Indulgence cake I happen to buy for my girl <3
I treated her to it,and she carved sumthing for me :o

After the Genting trip,we went for K :D

Translation :
If ur taller than me,the boss says u gotta pay

Best trip EVER!
We gotta do this again lol


Cooking at my hse + Stayover
(2 weeks ago lmao)

Wondering whats he looking for lol

The feast everyone prepared

From the kitchen,looking out lol xD

W.T.F? lol

The fishy thing that my girl made
It was a delicious appetizer

A glass of milk! :D

Deformed sausages
They were STEAMING for 20mins :P

Whats he doing? -.-

The 2 boys cooking

Vege thingy
Looks like cow-feed lol

Dunno whats this,but I found this pic in my hp

Saw this car while shopping at 1u

My dear Alice~ <3
Dunno whats she so shy about lol

Everyone busy at work

Good job everyone :D

Time flies when u have so much fun...

Till then :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DotA 2!!

Scoreboard on the left now

Radiant's fountain with no merchants in sight

Banning pick screen

Loading page lol

Lion's ultimate


Pics and changelogs noted. WIll post my observations here

Notes :

1) Sven's stun now changed to a beam energy emitted from the sword

2) Lion's stun changed to a fireball thingy emitted from his staff.

It pops u out of the ground at the end resulting in a stun. (more impressive and animation is faster),Ulti reminds me of Ironman's repulsor cannon blast

3) Shadow Shaman still summons Snakes for his Serpent wards.
His ether shock and grasp looks more amazing. (He says : Hold! or Pull! when he shackles an enemy)

4) Tidehunter carries a fish which he slaps u with (lol)
Tidehunter now SPITS at u (His gush now becomes a spit in YOUR FACE. Ewwww..)

5) Blink Dagger looks like a Kukri

6) Battlefury looks like the Axe shown in the DotA2 Trailer

7) Radiance looks the same (glowing sword),Manta style is a light blue axe with 3 shadows behind it

8) Vanguard looks the same (Spectre obtained it)

9) Magic stick is the glowing stick that every hero obtains

10) Fountain has no merchants anymore

11) Pulling creeps from the side on the top lane still works (someone did it ingame)

12) Scoreboard now on the left

13) When an allly purchases an item (eg. vanguard,blink dagger) there will be an announcement on the screen to ur allies 'eg. Spectre has purchased vanguard'

14) Female announcer (will announce when u are attacking a tower and when ur tower is under attack)

15) When denying creeps, the '!' still remains the same but it will trigger a character's personal line
(eg. CM : Denied! WR : I don't think so!)

16) Characters will exclaim and mention what rune they found when they obtained it.

Hero lines heard so far :

Shadow Shaman (Rhasta) : Don't kill..the messenger!! (On death)
; I slough off.. physical existence (On death) *Meaning to say,he cast off physical existence lol*

Tidehunter :
I pull you to the BOTTOM *sinister snicker*
; I bring sad tidings.. UR DEAD.
; To the bottom I go.. (On death)
; Ebb tide.. (On death)

Lion : My pride.. YOUR FALL (after he ulti'ed)
; WOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (On kill,evil laugh lol)
; Death to all betrayers! (On kill)

Enigma : I dissolve..but will return later (On death)

Anti-mage : Thou art Purified!

Anti-mage : What is this?! (On death)

Shadow Shaman : Oooooh! What a BURN! Ha ha ha ha ha..(on using Ether Shock to kill)

Lion : I will have my revenge.. (On death)

Wind Runner : My arrow lies..broken (On death)

Spectre : Hahahahahaha!!! (Evil laugh on kill)

Vengeful Spirit : The links are broken..

Wind Runner : U HIT..A GUUUUUUUURLLLL!! (On death,exclamation in surprise)

Doom Bringer : I the Seven hells (On death)
; My fireeeee.. (On death)

Lich : the black pool. (On death)
; Oooohh.. temperature. (On death,lol)
; Again?! (On death)
; Winter..has ended. (On death.)

Sand King : Its good to be king. (On kill)

Lina : My fever breaks.. (On death)
; Turn me over.. untouched. (On death)

Weaver : Its lagging ur timeline. (On kill)

Puck : Let the world end now.. It matters not,to me. (On death)
; It changes to.. NOTHING! (On death)

Beast Master : My masterpiece! (On kill)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The future in ur hands

Alright guys I'm back..
Been awhile anyways :)

So yeah,recently my Uncle came over for dinner. *actually,he came over 1 hr ago lol.*
We talked bout many things,but one of the topics in particular caught my interest.

US is caught in an overwhelming USD 14.@%#&@ trillion debt


really? :o

Thats Uncle Sam's WTF face lol

Yeah yeah,I was probably outdated,didn't read the papers much yadayadayada..
Go ahead and mock me for being so surprised at this

Then again,go ahead and mock everyone else who can't be bothered bout the world
All they care is the fact that Paramount might be coming to Malaysia.

Even so,thats a big IF. Not confirm yet lol.

So yeah,juz incase u miss it tl;dr *too long don't read*


Right so we (me and my uncle) discussed bout some economics and theories
He's a accountant so he gave an insight on this issue which I find very interesting

After dinner,I went to do my own research

and found.. this :

Gerald Celente was the man my Uncle was referring to (he probably forgotten his name)
Gerald appeared on numerous news channels to discuss US's fate in the year 2012

U can watch the video here if ur interested
Nothing economy related,but more of interesting facts and what he thinks of the year 2012

1)US will fall and become an undeveloped country

2) Riots and revolution (over the sky rocketing taxes and food)

3) Xmas 2012 will be more focused on providing food on the table for most families,rather than shopping and buying toys and xmas trees.

4)Many corporate giants will fall,along the way trampling all over the people below them

My Uncle describe US dying a slow painful death,but not before Europe does.
The fact that a lot of his clients and ppl around him are converting Euros to Swiss currency does make sense. Swiss currency being backed by GOLD. While Euros WAS once backed by gold.

Based on what my Uncle said,whichever country holds the gold,the currency will definitely stay strong.
Based on what I read,US once climbed to a currency peak due to the fact that during the Vietnam war era (Nixon's rule),the US currency was backed by Gold.

As time pass,greed and personal gain reduced the US currency's backing to nothing more than 'imaginary gold'.

My Uncle pointed out that bcuz all the people in possession of a large sum of Euros converted their funds to Swiss franc (the currency),this caused the Europe economy to plunge towards a faster and much more painful death.

According to Mr. Celente,the US dollar will be devalued by as much as 90%

No magic bullets/short cuts. 40 years of debt ain't gonna disappear over a fortnight.
Looks like Obama happen to pick up Bush's shyt right after all the fundings went to his phantom 'war on terror'. lol


Could 'they' be involved?

Frankly I'm taking this part here with a pinch of salt
So should you :)

Its possible that they could be the one manipulating the economy from behind.
After the collapse of the economy around the World Superpower nations..
Its possible that the Illuminati might move in to make a move

Unite the world's economy and nation
And perhaps try to save whatever left of it

Who knows? lol.
Im juz sayin' it could happen

But anyways the take home message of the day is :

-Dun spend a penny more than u can afford.-
Gerald Celente, on ways to survive the economy meltdown.

Till then,